"Teachers are our greatest public servants; they spend their lives educating our young people and shaping our nation for tomorrow."
— Solomon Ortiz
On Wednesday, 5 September 2018, on the occasion of Teachers’ Day, the students and faculty of National Public School, Indiranagar gathered on the school grounds to celebrate the selfless contribution of their teachers.
The assembly started with the school prayer and was followed by the pledge. The excitement among the students was palpable as they waited with impatience to watch what the senior school students had woven into the day’s activities.
An interesting ensemble inaugurated the programme as a talented trio orchestrated a mash-up of Odissi dance, classical and popular songs, keyboard, cahon and the tabla. This was followed by the Inter-House Filmy Dance Competition, where the four houses competed against one another for the first three coveted positions. The choreographies were spectacular, the costumes dazzling, and the themes patriotic. The audience was taken on a whirlwind historical tour from the court of the Mughals, to the Jaliawala Bagh Tragedy, to the Partition of India, finally ending with the Great Famine of Bengal. The acts were poignant and captured the moments with dignity and emotion.
As a breather after this, the Vice Prefects of our school called on stage teachers from the various departments to be felicitated with certificates for their hard labour at workshops organised by the school. Next was a mime in one act, put together by the students of Grades 10 and 12, which explored the many trials and tribulations faced by a typical student – depression, anxiety, peer-pressure, rage. It projected the grave dejection the student experiences till a teacher intervenes to help him battle his many enemies. The final act on stage were two beautiful songs, which served as paeans to the gurus who graced the hallowed grounds of NPS that morning.
The rest of the day was spent in a myriad of competitions and friendly matches, including Lemon and Spoon Race, Dumb Charades and a Throwball match between the teachers and students. Art and Photography Competitions were also held across several Grades, finally culminating in the eagerly awaited Rhythm and Raag, an event showcasing the musical talents of our children.
Indeed, it was a day of celebrations, of victories and gratitude, the one special day, when the students did not shy away from showing their affection towards their mentors for life.